Monday, 3 March 2025

Friends of Hastings Cemetery Website = latest stories added


Beck, Henry & his wife Emily - there is little known, partly because it is a common name in these parts; the memorial is an unusual shape.

Todd, Tru, wife Elizabeth and niece, Elizabeth Rich - in censuses Tru is described as a Fish Hawker, and after they were married Elizabeth joined him and for many years people had memories of them hawking shrimps.  Elizabeth came from Fairlight, and used to sell sweets and souvenirs at Lovers’ Seat.

Recent Stories

Kingsnorth, Emily - a widower running a boarding house when she first came to Hastings.

Orr, William & Alice, and daughter Alice - A Scotsman who came to Hastings after serving in both world wars

Updated Stories

Beagley, Richard & Mary - lived locally, members of the temperance movement.

Boulnois, Charles & Family - legal, India, explorers, Sudan, authors, artists……..

Burguieres, Philippe Julien & third wife Tryphena - French language & literature professor, inhabitant of Hastings for many years, remembered on two gravestones, one in Kent.

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