Thursday, 28 January 2021

Forward Planning - HBC

 Consultation starts today and you will be able to view and make comments on the new Draft Hastings Local Plan (Regulation 18) until 24 March 2021.   This is your chance to get involved and tell us what you think. 

How to comment

You can find more information, view the draft Plan and comment online via 

More Information

The new Draft Plan sets out a strategy to guide and shape development over the next 20 years up to 2039 and includes a development strategy along with Strategic Policies for managing development and identifying the types of uses planned for different parts of the town.

It also includes Focus Area policies for different parts of the Borough where higher levels of development are anticipated and Development Policies covering design and measures required to mitigate potential impacts.

In the light of Covid-19 and in accordance with the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) (Coronavirus) (Amendment) Regulations 2020 the consultation materials will not be displayed at Council offices or libraries in the interests of public safety. 


For those who would like to get involved but are unable to access the internet there is a dedicated voicemail.  If you or someone you know needs help viewing or commenting on the Local Plan, please leave a message on 01424 451102 and we will get back to you.

All comments must be received by 24 March 2021

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