They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.
A linked list of the people so far recorded who gave their lives as a result of World War One (the Great War), who are recorded in the common wield, not in the CWG areas, (apart from a few exceptions) can be found here
Deaths in 1915:
- Arbuthnott, Hugh Hamilton - killed in action, buried in what is now Iraq, WW1- 1915
- Balcombe - Edward John William - KIA, WW1, 1917
- Breeds, Edgar - WW1 naval, lost with ship - 1915, aged 18
- Bridgeland Carrots - killed in WW1- Hubert – 1915
- Evans, Kingsley Alan - a private in the 48th Battalion Canadian Infantry; uncle lived locally; died WW1, pneumonia 1915
- Farrier, - killed in WW1, - Thomas – 1915
- Felton-Smith, William - Local; Chief Petty Officer, in the Royal Naval Volunteers and died 20 February 1915 of Cerebro Spinal Meningitis at Stockwell Hospital
- Galloway, Cecil Hinds Arthur - Corporal, WW1 wounded, died in Military Hospital, 1915
- Garnier, Captain John Warren - lived locally for some years; casualty WW1, 1915
- Howell, Herbert Edgar - local family; died in WW1, 1915
- Lake, Frank Gilbert - died at Ypres, WW1 1915
- Ross, Percy T - Sergeant - author, artist, sportsman. KIA, WW1, 1915
- Stevens, George - KIA WW1, 1915 - local
- Stroud, George Edward Bracey - local; serving with the Royal Navy on HMS Albemarle when he was accidentally drowned 1915. WW1
- Sutton, John, - local; WW1 KIA, 1915, aged 20 - remembered on his parents' grave - John and Phoebe
- Toogood, Charles Frank - lived locally; KIA WW1, 1915
- Ventris, Alan Favell - from a Services family - killed in Action, WW1, 1915, aged 18
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