Friday, 18 March 2016

STOP PRESS! Old Town Hall

The meeting on Monday will definitely go ahead, at Hastings History House, 21 Courthouse Street, 6 pm for 6.30.

If you are attending and hope to take an active part it would be helpful if you could document this before hand.

If you are unable to attend please email with your intentions before Monday evening to either or 

New Exhibition at the History House

Sunday, 13 March 2016

Important Meeting - don't Forget!

The Old Town Hall - Meeting with Peter Chowney
Monday 14th March, 6.30
Hastings History House
21 Courthouse Street

Friday, 11 March 2016

Tuesday, 1 March 2016

New Hastings Area Archaeological Research Group Journal

HAARG Journal No.35  New Series 2015
  • Barn Meadow, Solomons Cottage, Ewhurst – Geophysical and Excavation
  • Evidence of the Town Wall Surviving below 58 High Street, Hastings Old Town
  • Geophysical Surveys at Old Place, Icklesham
  • Icklesham ‘Roman Road’ – A Reassessment
  • Cripp’s Corner, Nodal Point
  • The Walled Kitchen Garden, Brightling Park

Sunday, 28 February 2016

Hastings - ‘Popular with visitors since 1066’

There are some good events and exhibitions in the pipeline for the 950th anniversary.

Hastings Week will have a community parade with Saxon and Norman giants on 15th Oct, and many other events.

From June 25 Hastings Museum has its The Story of Hastings in 66 Objects exhibition;

The History House (21 Courthouse St, open 11-4 Thurs-Sun) is running a powerpoint presentation of the Hastings Embroidery’s 81 scenes, all in colour

Hastings Local History Group is having several meetings at Hastings History House on 1066-related themes (open to the public, but please book a place).

Additionally, HLHG is publishing a booklet, 1066-2016: The Battle of Hastings’ 950th Anniversary containing ideas suitable for individuals and groups, large or small, to commemorate the events of 1066.

It has the historical background, along with information on Anglo-Saxon society, including food and clothes, to help people to be as authentic as they wish.

The booklet is 32 pages long, A5, and priced to sell at £1; it will soon be on sale at the History House, Hastings Museum, Bookbusters, and Horntye Park Sports Complex; also at the Hastings Half Marathon, Race Reception, on March 20, and on their website. We’re hoping other local charities will stock it, to help raise funds for their good causes.

Any local charity that is interested, please contact

Tuesday, 9 February 2016

The Old Observer Building

The neighbours surrounding the Old Observer building are concerned about the public awareness of the proposal to built five new floors on top of it.

Flint Development Group unveiled revised plans to provide accommodation for 230 students, an art-house cinema and a shop/restaurant at Cambridge Road site in December.

But after planning notices were sent out on Friday (February 5), some residents are worried not enough people who will be affected by the proposal know about it.

“We’re not opposed to the idea of student accommodation itself, it’s just a gross over-development as it’s too high,” he said.

“Everyone thinks its going to be a community asset but the bulk of the development is the student housing and I don’t think enough people realise.

“So few people know about it when it will be a huge blot on our landscape.”

There have only been four public comments on the application, with three negative and all concerned about the height of the proposal.

The notice says the deadline for comments is in 21 days, so February 26.

To view the application visit:

Read more:

Friday, 5 February 2016

Please Support Model Railways

A miniature railway will be returning to Alexandra Park later this month after years of absence.

It follows months of hard work over the autumn and winter to get the overgrown train tracks into a fit state.

Further plans include turning the middle area into a family picnic area, continuing the parameter fences round the site and a mid way station, (for use on planned Christmas specials.

“We also are looking into opening the railway up for private children’s birthday parties.”

The railway is situated in the upper park, near to the Buckshole Reservoir, with easy access from St Helens Road.

The new railway will be officially opened on Saturday February at 11am. The site is being opened by the mayor and other guests, from 10.30am onwards.

Once opened the railway will be open every Saturday and Sunday throughout the year, bank holidays (excluding Christmas Day) and Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday’s during the school holidays. Rides will be £1 per person.