Saturday, 16 January 2016

Rocklands - Appeal hearing postponed.

A caravan park responsible for building an ‘eyesore’ holiday home has had its appeal hearing postponed.

In March last year Rocklands Private Caravan Park, in Rocklands Lane, was ordered to demolish the building, dubbed ‘the bunker’ by campaigners, after being served with an enforcement notice by Hastings Borough Council.

The council ruled the two-storey site overlooking Ecclesbourne Glen contravened planning regulations.

The park appealed the decision and an enforcement appeal hearing was due to take place at The Stade Hall next Wednesday (January 20).

However, this has been postponed until further notice after the planning inspector appointed to undertake the hearing fell ill earlier this week.
Read more:

Thursday, 14 January 2016

The Town Registery Office moves to historic new home

People in Hastings will have a new venue to register births, deaths and marriages.

The facility will begin the move from its current setting, in the Summerfields complex, Bohemia Road, to its new base at Hastings Town Hall, on Monday (January 18).

From Monday, January 25, the register office at the Town Hall will be open for key services, including registration of births, deaths, marriages and civil partnerships, change of name deeds and providing copies of birth, death and marriage certificates.

Finally, from Monday, February 1, the new register office will begin hosting ceremonies, including wedding and civil partnerships, renewal of vows and citizenship ceremonies, hosted in the ‘Victorian splendour’ of the council chamber and former mayor’s parlour.

Tuesday, 12 January 2016

Former Bathing Pool site at West Marina

 (Apologies if you've received this from another source.)

Hastings Borough Council invites you to find out about the next steps for the former bathing Pool site at West Marina
Come and hear about the Council's intentions to market the site.
Where & When
Tuesday the 26th January at The Royal Victoria Hotel, Marine Parade, Hastings.
5.00 - 6.30 pm.
Light refreshments will be available from 4.30pm.
For further information and to confirm your attendance please at your earliest convenience and no later than Friday 22nd January 2016
Amy Terry
Estates Manager
Estates Service
Hastings Borough Council
Aquila House, Breeds Place
Hastings, East Sussex
TN34 3UY
Tel: 01424 451640

Monday, 4 January 2016

Happy New Year from Friends of Hastings Cemetery

We have updated our software, and this may result in some anomalies.  Please let us know of any you may notice at Webmaster

We hope to return to adding research to the site in the near future.  If you have family stories and photos of people buried on The Ridge, we would be very happy to add the information.

Alternatively, if you would like to volunteer to help with the research, taking photos or updating the website please contact Anne Scott

1916 WW1 Deaths from our records  are listed on the Home Page

Friday, 1 January 2016

The Battle of Hastings features on a new 50p coin this year.

The coin commemorates the 950th anniversary of the historic battle in 1066.

Images representing Shakespeare plays and Beatrix Potter tales are also among those featuring on coins in 2016 released by the Royal Mint.

Wednesday, 30 December 2015

Developers given the go-ahead to use the old Observer building as an arts space.

Flint Development Group submitted a retrospective planning application to Hastings Borough Council to use the sub basement, ground floor and first floor as a temporary venue for an art gallery and artist studio spaces, bar, cafe and entertainment and cinema area at the Cambridge Road building.

Monday, 14 December 2015

Annual Carol Service will be Friday 18th December at 7pm

Come and join us with All Saints School Choir and Fr. Featherstone. As usual you will be able to indulge in a glass of mulled wine and a mince pie.

Sunday, 13 December 2015

Developers wanting to convert the old Observer building have unveiled revised plans for the Hastings landmark.

Flint Development Group is aiming to provide accommodation for 230 students, an art-house cinema and a shop/restaurant for Sussex food and produce at the site in Cambridge Road.

Mr Kirby also announced a public park would be added the roof of the proposed building and committed to maintaining the ground floor as a popular community space, with plans for a farmer’s market and restaurant.
He said: “To make this project work economically and be a real success for the town, we have had to go up. But we’ve listened to the community and have dramatically reduced the height from our original plans.
On the roof there will now be mirror panels that reflect the seaside sky line as well a public park which will become a new venue for Hastings, overlooking the sea and town below.

Developers await a decision on the scheme, which will be decided by Hastings Borough Council’s planning committee at a later date

Read more:

Friday, 11 December 2015

Route 1066 - looking for people in Hastings with Norman Ancestry!

See the Blog at

Following are the 18 names of those recorded to have accompanied William into battle at Senlac hill.
Robert De Beaumont                              Eustace, Count of Boulogne
William, Count of Evreaux                       Geoffrey of Mortagne
William FitzOsbern                                 Ameri,Viscount of Thouars
Walter Giffard                                          Hugh De Montfort
Ralph De Tosny                                       Hugh de Grandmesnil
William De Warenne                               William Malet
Odo Bishop of Bayeux                            Turstin FitzRolf
Engenulf De Laigle                                  Geoffrey de Mowbray
Robert, Count of Mortain                       Goubert D’Auffay

These are the understood modern derivations of those names:
Beaumont                                            Boleyn
Devereaux                                          Mort
 Osborne                                              Thairs
 Gifford                                                Montfort
Tosny/Barclay                                    Grandmesnil
 Warren                                               Mallet
 Bayeux                                               FitzRolf
 Daigle                                                Mowbray
 Morton                                              Duffey

We look forward to meeting the modern Normans!

Friday, 4 December 2015

Do you recognise any of these people?

Many years ago a father of a local resident used to take  photos of Old Town Folk.  The resident found these photos and thought that the family may like to have them.  They are being held in Hastings History House 21 Courthouse Street, if anyone would like to claim them.


Tuesday, 1 December 2015

The Observer Building

Final designs - save the date:
Tuesday 8th December, 6pm

Following dialogue with local people, other stakeholders and Hastings Borough Council the design proposals for the Observer Building have been revised.  Flint Development Group are unveiling the new designs on the evening of Tuesday 8th December, at the Observer Building.
Please save the date.

Monday, 30 November 2015

Action needed to save nationally important gothic revival chapel

Two societies have put their weight behind calls to save a deserted chapel in St Leonards.

The Victorian Society and the Pugin Society want Hastings Borough Council to take action to prevent further damage to St Michael’s chapel in the former convent of the Holy Child Jesus.

The 1868 former Convent of the Holy Child in St Leonards East Sussex is a major work by the Victorian architect Edward Welby Pugin, and also contains work by his two architect brothers Peter-Paul and Cuthbert. It is especially notable for the intactness of its fittings in what English Heritage described as “an intact High Victorian Gothic interior of outstanding quality”. Historic England is currently considering adding the chapel to their Heritage at Risk Register.

Read more:

Former convent of Holy Child Jesus