Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Getting excited about a roundabout…

Maquettes of the two sculptures shortlisted from seven internationally known artists’ works for Pelham Roundabout have been unveiled.

A mobile exhibition van will be set up to view the shortlisted prize-entries as follows:
Friday 8 March 2013  -  at Pelham carpark on the seafront   10-4pm
Saturday 9 March 2013 – Robertson Street outside Debenhams  10-4pm   Sunday 10 March 2013 –  Stade Open Space                   10-4pm

Saturday, 9 February 2013

"The grave's a fine and private place...."

  • Saturday 16th February at 5.30 PM
Exploring history in Hastings Cemetery – Anne Scott and members of the project Please book, tickets free!

Friday, 8 February 2013

Hastings in the Days of Sail – Fishing Vessels


Friday 15th February – 7PM
Hastings History House
21 Courthouse Street

Steve Peak explains the varying fishing vessels

Country Park members free

otherwise £2 admission

Friday, 1 February 2013

Lost Streets Exhibition


imageHollington  -  St Leonards  –  Silverhill  -  Ore   –  Halton  -  Old Town


Saturday, 26 January 2013

Hastings History House Award



Anne accepting Certificate of Merit from Mayor & Hastings Week Chair Nigel Hogben for History House's contribution to Hastings Week. (Thanks to Ion Castro)

Friday, 18 January 2013

Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Thursday, 3 January 2013

Winter Programme

  • Saturday 12th January at 5.30 PM
A repeat performance by popular demand
Some Pubs, Inns and Beer Houses of Hastings” an illustrated talk by John Hodges
Tickets - £2.00 Tel:424744
  • Saturday 16th February at 5.30 PM
The grave’s a fine and private place….’ Exploring history in Hastings Cemetery – Anne Scott and members of the project
Please book, tickets free! Tel:424744

  • Saturday March 16th at 5.30 PM
“An Old Town Boy Made Good” – We are delighted to welcome The High Sheriff for East Sussex, David Allam, to tell us the story of a boy’s rise in the world from All Saints Street in the 19th Century.
Tickets - £2.00 Tel:424744

Friday, 21 December 2012

Sunday 23rd December 2012

Hastings History House will be closed this Sunday (even if the world has ended.)  Denis Collins has again not been very well and there are not enough other volunteers available to staff it.

If you are interested in volunteering please contact Anne Scott. or phone 01424 424744

Happy Christmas & A Merry New Year

Friends of Hastings Cemetery

"the grave's a fine and private place…"

exploring Hastings cemetery

Jane Head & Family has been updated with more information on her husband, Charles Franklin Head

New Stories:

There are more connections between the Dawes and the Heads than we have yet managed to fathom.  Particularly any relationship between Elizabeth Head (married to Daniel Butler Dawes, Senior) Charles Franklin Head and Samuel Creagh Head.

If you have further information on any of our studies, or any questions etc., please Contact Us.