Old Hastings Preservation Society was founded in 1952 to promote the permanent preservation of buildings of beauty/historic interest, especially in Hastings & St. Leonards and foster an appreciation of the history of Hastings. We encourage and record research which supports our objectives. Good architecture, design and town planning is encouraged. In 1956 we founded the Hastings Fishermen’s Museum open daily in Rock-a-Nore Road and more recently Hastings History House.
Wednesday, 21 December 2016
Thomas Brandon and Celia Brett - Friends of Hastings Cemetery
Monday, 19 December 2016
Cemetery Update
- The Blomfield Family -
missionaries in Jamaica, the sons were famous Hastings Photographers; buried in three separate plots (one lost to grass).
- Dibley, Johnathon & Emma & William Dengate -
local contractor, his daughter and son- in- law - Furley, William Deey very little known
- Phillips, Charles Henry Leigh died aged 8, his father was Charles, but which of the 45 -
50 Charles Phillips in Hastings at the time? - Phillips, Frederick Charles -
fisherman, drowned
Friday, 16 December 2016
Last minute Stocking Present?
Winkle Club Calendar £4.50
with historic photos to bring back memories
and identify family members
Available from the History House, 21 Courthouse Street, and other locatons
Thursday, 15 December 2016
No more Hastings planning application notification letters
Hastings residents will no longer be sent notification letters to alert them to planning applications in their area as the council tries to save time and money.
Hastings Borough Council is not sending out the letters anymore as part of its move to provide more services digitally and online. Information about planning applications can be found on the council’s new ‘customer-friendly and more interactive’ website which was launched in the summer.
“Eye catching yellow site notices will be placed in the near neighbourhood
You can sign up for a MyHastings account on the council’s self-service system; you will see a list of all open planning applications in your postcode area.”
Information about planning applications can be found online and the 21 day period within which people have to comment on applications will stay the same. Yellow site notices will be erected for the majority of planning applications to notify neighbours about applications close to them.
Residents can also look up planning applications in their area on the council’s website: www.hastings.gov.uk/planning. “These changes have arisen from a wider review of council procedures with a view to making efficiencies, meeting our statutory duties and moving to a ‘digital by design’ approach where possible,” Cllr Forward said.
Read more at: http://www.hastingsobserver.co.uk/news/no-more-hastings-planning-application-notification-letters-1-7734136
Wednesday, 7 December 2016
Rare chance to see Andrew Kotting’s Edith film Edith
One of the few showings of Andrew Kotting’s Brilliant new film Edith is takes place on the film-maker’s home turf of St Leonards on Wednesday December 14.
The hour long film is being shown at the Kino Teatr, Norman Road at 7.30pm and features an introduction, Q&A and a mini performance.
The statue in St Leonards of the fallen King Harold in the arms of his mistress Edith Swan-Neck became the inspiration for an epic walk by Hastings based film-maker Andrew Kotting and writer Iain Sinclair.
Edith is remembered in history and folklore chiefly because it was she [allegedly] who identified Harold’s body after the Battle of Hastings.
During the walk Edith was represented by local singer Claudia Barton. Drummer David Aylward and musician and former Pogues member Jem Finer also made the journey. The 108 mile journey, from Waltham Abbey to St Leonards as the crow flies, reflects on Edith and features a conversation between Alan Moore, Iain Sinclair and Edith Swan Neck.
Tickets are £9, £8 and £7 available from Kino online at www.kino-teatr.co.uk.
Read more at: http://www.hastingsobserver.co.uk/news/rare-chance-to-see-andrew-kotting-s-edith-film-1-7716552
Friday, 2 December 2016
OHPS–Seasonal Celebration–3rd December 2016
at The History House, 21 Courthouse Street
“My Hastings” with Kevin Boorman
Members £5
Non members - £6
5.30 pm – Mulled wine and mince pies
Thursday, 17 November 2016
Hastings Old Town named 'Best Neighbourhood' in national awards - 2016
The Old Town of Hastings has been crowned best neighbourhood in the UK and Ireland at the 2016 Urbanism Awards Ceremony.
The award is one of five given out annually by built-environment network The Academy of Urbanism to recognise the best, most enduring or most improved urban environments.
It's voted on by its members, who include leading architects, planners and developers.
The Jerwood gallery was highlighted for praise Credit: Jerwood Gallery
Judges were particularly impressed with the way in which it has kept much of its historic fabric and layout intact, yet managed to embrace contemporary additions that creatively respond to the townscape.
Wednesday, 16 November 2016
Shepherds Cottage, Fairlight Place, Barley Lane
Demolition of existing building and erection of new dwelling with facade retention
Andrew Blackman, Chairman of the Friends of Hastings Country Park Nature Reserve on behalf of the committee. writes:
We object to the proposed development. Attempting to add a two storey extension to an existing single storey building is rarely a recipe for success and, in the present case, the result is a deeply unsatisfactory. The site is a prominent one within a particularly sensitive part of the High Weald AONB so the design of any proposed building here is of the greatest importance. The current design is unacceptable. The Friends would not object to a significant single storey extension in keeping with the look and feel of the existing cottage.
Monday, 14 November 2016
Book Sale – good quality secondhand books raising funds for Hastings History House
Friday 18th - Sunday 20th November - 11-4pm
Sunday, 6 November 2016
University of Brighton, Hastings, Priory Square
Hastings, TN34 1EA United Kingdom + Google Map
Gareth E Rees is an author, psychogeographer, spoken word performer and editor of UnofficialBritain.com, a website that takes a skewed look at our lesser-explored landscapes.
His debut book ‘Marshland’ was a time travelling adventure in London’s urban wilderness while his latest work explores his home town of Hastings, where he finds unexpected magic in its memorial benches, supermarket car parks and concrete walls.
With musical support from James Wvr (The Warrior Squares).
Saturday, 5 November 2016
NOVEMBER 7 @ 5:00 PM - NOVEMBER 13 @ 10:00 PM | FREE
near Debenhams, Robertson St
Hastings, TN34 1HN United Kingdom + Google Map
Talking Posts offers a novel twist on the ancient tradition of stories shared around the campfire. Two ornate Victorian street lamps flicker in the dark and eerie projections emerge. Perfectly contained within their glass enclosures, licked by gas flames, disembodied, life-sized talking heads relate accounts of supernatural activities in Hastings.
Talking Posts is the brainchild of Brighton-based company Shared Space and Light, creators of unforgettable collective experiences using a combination of moving image, sound and light. Stories are told by local actors.*
5pm-10pm every evening from Monday 7 November to Sunday 13 November.
This event is free and suitable for all ages.
Friday, 14 October 2016
The Future of Higher Education in Hastings: A new University Centre
A three-month public consultation to help shape the proposed new University Centre that could replace the University of Brighton’s Hastings campus over the next three-to-four years was launched today. The consultation runs from 1 August to 30 October 2016
The University of Brighton is seeking views on the shape of the proposed new University Centre for Hastings and how this might best serve the people and local economy of the town.
This consultation process runs from 1 August 2016 to 30 October 2016.
If you would like to take part in the consultation you can complete the online survey. If you require a paper copy or any additional help with this consultation please contact hastingsquestions@brighton.ac.uk.
Sunday, 9 October 2016
Heritage Forum
Friday, 7 October 2016
"The Saxon Times" with David Clarke

Monday, 3 October 2016
When Harold Won in 1066
Chris Rock, author and chair of the
Battle of Stamford Bridge Society is
travelling down from Yorkshire to
talk about Harold's forgotten victory
in 1066.
Thursday 13 October at 3pm
Hastings Museum
and Art Gallery
Free Admission
Thursday, 22 September 2016
The Battle of Hastings, as the Bayeux Tapestry tells it
.Thurs 29th Sept, 2pm (doors open 1.30pm) at St. Mary-in-the-Castle.
This is a fundraiser for The Art Fund (patron The Queen), which buys works of art for public museums and galleries, organised by their Sussex branch. Further information email MilRob.Meeching@gmail.com
There are two sources of tickets: via the venue (£16.50 see https://www.musicglue.com/stmaryinthecastle/events/29-sep-16-the-battle-of-hastings-as-the-bayeux-tapestry-tells-it--whoever-rules-life-is-hard-for-the-underclasses-st-mary-in-the-castle/ ),
or - £18 inc tea & biscuits at the SMIC cafĂ© - please send your name and address, plus a cheque in favour of “Art Fund” marked with the name of the event on the back of your cheque, (and an email address): Battle of Hastings to:
Miles Robinson
Volunteer – Art Fund Sussex
Meeching, BURWASH, East Sussex TN19 7JP
On receipt of your cheque you will be issued you with a ticket by email which you will need to print off and take with you to enter & claim your tea, etc.
This is not part of the Root 1066 festival of contemporary arts
Dr Gale Owen-Crocker is Professor of Anglo-Saxon Culture at the University of Manchester, and an expert on textiles / costume. Her most well-known book is Dress in Anglo-Saxon England, and she has written on the Bayeux Tapestry
Tuesday, 20 September 2016
The Prince Albert Statue Project
Special fundraising event to be held at
The West Hill Community Centre
(junction of Croft Road and Bembrook Road, small car park)
On Saturday 8 October, at 6.30 p.m.
Illustrated talk by Brian Lawes on the statue of Prince Albert and its sculptor Edwin Stirling, followed by a talk ‘Trials and Tribulations’ on the project to have the statue erected alongside Hastings Town Hall.
Admission £2 (on the door).
Refreshments available, and there will be a raffle at the interval.
For further information e-mail: albertstatue@outlook.com
Monday, 19 September 2016
Friday, 2 September 2016
A satisfactory meeting re the Prince Albert Statue project was held. . Stone for the pedestal being ordered, work is to proceed on the foundations, and aiming for completion in October.
But there is a need to raise some more funds,
A fund-raising event (talk on statue and project, refreshments and raffle) will be held at West Hill Community Centre early October. (More details later.)
Donations of raffle prizes needed. These may be left at the History House, 21 Courthouse Street, Thursday – Sunday, 11am – - 4pm
Monday, 22 August 2016
The New Hastings Tapestry–apologies for late posting–you only have a week!
Celebrating the people of Hastings 2016. A new ‘tapestry’ of 950 panels is being commissioned to represent the people of Hastings. It will be displayed in St Clement’s Church in the Old Town to mark the 950th anniversary of the Battle of Hastings – and you can be a part of this inspirational project from St Clements.
Join in this unique new art work: you will dress your panel as yourself – and
together the panels will create a rich tapestry showing the people of
Hastings 2016. We are aiming to make 950 panels. Each completed
panel will form part of the sewn collage.
For more information contact 01424 422242, email office@oldtownparish.org.uk or see the Hastings 950 Tapestry Facebook page.
Tuesday, 16 August 2016
Cemetery Update
The next Cemetery Walk will be on 11th September, 2 PM, meet at the car park.
Why not rest, relax and reflect awhile, sitting on the OHPS / FoHC seat, located on EL, and take in the magnificent view.
Recent Stories:
- Brind, Frederick William & family - wine merchant & businessman, lived in St leonards for a number of years
- Brind, General Sir James G.C.B, R.A. - A much respected soldier in India, uncle of the above, lived in Upper Maze Hill for some years
- Kernot, Dr. George Charles & his wife Eliza - a very well known resident of Hastings, who died in Inverness. He had a large circle of admiring friends and was popular with all he came. into contact.
- Ransford, Annie Cash - for 14 years Matron of the Buchanan Hospital, died in a road accident.
- Rodwell, Rev. John Medows - a scholar and a linguist; lived in St Leonards for many years. Translated the Koran
Monday, 15 August 2016
St Mary in the Castle - ***EXHIBIT OPENING*** 1066: A Medieval Mosaic 13th August - 28th October 10am - 5pm
Please note the Cafe is currently open for coffee and drinks
1066: A Medieval Mosaic opens this Saturday in our Crypt Gallery.
Comprised of 3,000,000 pieces of spring steel the Medieval Mosaic holds the Guinness World Record as the largest steel mosaic. The artwork, measuring 64 metres in length and weighing 450 kg, is a complete re-creation of the Bayeux Tapestry and was created over 20 years by Michael Linton. In addition to the original scenes captured in the Bayeux Tapestry, father and daughter team Michael and Rachael Linton have combined their talents to create the untold stories of 1066. An 8 metre 'Finale' section, taking 5 years to research and complete, tells the story from the end of the Battle of Hastings to the crowning of William the Conqueror on Christmas Day 1066. The 22 metre insert, taking a further 8 years to complete, tells the story of the Battle of Fulford Gate and the Battle of Stamford Bridge which preceded the Battle of Hastings. This 33 year artistic odyssey has resulted in a truly unique masterpiece.
The exhibition will hang in our gallery until October 28th.
Entry is by donation.
Tuesday, 12 July 2016
Priory Meadow Cricketer Returns
The Spirit of Cricket statue has been returned to Priory Meadow, eight months after it was damaged by contractors.
The statue was first revealed in Queens Square when the shopping centre opened in 1997 and was put in place to mark the former Central Cricket Ground that the centre was built on.
Monday, 11 July 2016
Friends of Hastings Cemetery Update
Some of the recent stories have been looking at those who have no memorials, whose memorials have been lost, or whose ashes were scattered in The Garden of Remembrance.
Some of these stories have been explored because of an enquiry, sometimes from overseas.
New Stories:
- Bonar, Mary J / Chesney, Isabel / Menzies "Lady"Mary Anne nee Bonar - buried together (2 murder victims)
- Matters Porter, Muriel - born in South Australia, a suffragist who was the first woman to "speak" in the British Parliament
- Zamoyska, Maria - died aged one, prominent Polish family, memorial disappeared
- James, Laura Elizabeth - a much decorated New Zealand nurse, whose ashes were scattered in the Garden of Remembrance.
Saturday, 9 July 2016
Bayeux Tapestry as you've never seen it - and related talk (£)
| |||||
Friday, 8 July 2016
Saturday, 2 July 2016
Rocklands controversial holiday home will be allowed to stay, a planning inspector has ruled.
Chris Hurrell, spokesman for SEG, said: “Despite the massive unpopularity of the bunker with the public, the inspector has allowed the building to remain subject to a few cosmetic changes.
“The height of the roof will be reduced by 400mm and the balconies will be reduced in depth by 1,000mm. The rest of the building will be allowed to remain as is. “This is a very disappointing result.”
SEG said the building has destroyed the natural beauty of the surrounding area.
- Rocklands appealed against Hastings Borough Council’s enforcement notice to destroy the building overlooking Ecclesbourne Glen more than a year ago.
- In March last year it submitted a planning application asking for the retention of the holiday let, which was refused.
- In June 2014 the council unanimously threw out Rocklands’ retrospective planning application to make alterations to the controversial building. The original building itself was granted planning permission in 2012.
“Ecclesbourne Glen issues are not just about the bunker. Our objective was to protect the beautiful vistas across the country park and many issues remain unresolved.
“We are still very concerned about the landslip that has shut access from the East Hill and is a visual scar on the glen. We are pressing the council to carry out further investigations.”
Friday, 1 July 2016
Sunday, 12 June 2016
Hastings Borough Council effectively lost their case against Rocklands’ appeal - the inspector’s decision was published this week.
No more news, currently. Will be updated when there is more information.
Wednesday, 8 June 2016
Dee-Day White and Tush Hamilton are on the verge of bringing (another) lost lifeboat back to Hastings again.
Following their restoration of the Priscilla MacBean lifeboat, which was discovered as a rotting hulk in Eastbourne and is now on permanent show in the Old Town.
Now they are set to bring home a former Hastings lifeboat which earned the legend ‘The Ghost of Dunkirk’
The Cyril and Lilian Bishop lifeboat, which saved 34 lives in Hastings during the 1930’s, spent four days and four nights rescuing British and French soldiers from the beaches during the evacuation of Dunkirk in World War 2.
“She is best known and earned her nickname ‘The Ghost of Dunkirk when in late May 1940 the Dunkirk evacuation needed shallow draught vessels to make their way to Dover and the RNLI was asked to send as many lifeboats as possible and coxswain George Moon quickly called a crew together consisting of Will Martin, Bodger Barton, Jumbo White, Bill Hilder and finally Freddie Button.
“On arrival at Dover George Moon tells us that all the lifeboats were commandeered by the Royal Navy and he and the rest of the crew travelled back to Hastings by train.
Tuesday, 7 June 2016
The statue of Prince Albert will be installed by the town hall
In February 2015, a bid put forward by campaigners was refused planning consent by Hastings Borough Council, going against officers’ recommendations.
Members said the statue’s condition was so poor it would not be suitable for display alongside the town hall, which is a Grade-II listed building.
Campaigners submitted an appeal to have the decision overturned, which was successful.
A new heritage group, the Albert Statue Group, was formed early this year to raise funds for the project.
Hastings Lions Club came forward with a generous donation for buying and installing the new Portland stone pedestal on which the statue is to be erected.
There have also been donations from members of the public who are keen to see the long-neglected statue back in the public domain.
Roger Wilcock, of A. C. Towner Ltd has been advising on the project, and he is doing some of the preparatory work free of charge, with consent from his employer Edward Towner, as this is a community project without financial support from the council.
The life-size statue of Prince Albert, sculpted in Portland stone by Edwin Stirling at his Liverpool studio, was saved for the town by Edith Skelton, who bought it from the demolition firm for £50.
Wednesday, 25 May 2016
More support needed to keep local treasure afloat
Open 364 days a year and free to enter, the Fishermen’s Museum at Rock-a-Nore is possibly one of the area’s most underrated and fascinating attractions.
It is a treasure trove of exhibits which show the history of the local fishing fleet and our relationship with the sea, having a full sized fishing lugger as its centre piece.
But the volunteer run museum, which celebrates its 60th anniversary this month, is in desperate need of financial support if it is to continue opening as it currently does.
“If everyone who came in donated just £1 we would be in a healthy position”
The museum is housed in the former Fishermen’s Church, built on the Stade in 1852, which fell out of use after the Second World War.
Hastings Fishermen’s Museum opened on May 17 1956.
Monday, 23 May 2016
Latest Stories from The Cemetery
- Balcombe, Charles Edward local; died WW1, 1917
- Davis, W E; died (Cooden Camp) WW1 1916
- Gale, Frank -
local; died WW1 1917 - Helsdown, James Arthur -
fishermen, drowned off Fairlight (PioneerRX255) - Muggridge, Harry Daniel -
Skipper on the Pioneer RX255, drowned off Fairlight - Russell, George Edward -
died WW1 1918. (Served under alias, Longley) - Samways, Alexander, local; died WW1 1916
- Williams, James Frederick -
fishermen, drowned off Fairlight (PioneerRX255)
- Bennett, Samuel James -
well known in local Nonconformist circles
- Considine, Jane -
died in Hastings / O'Clery, Countess Katharine - married and lived in Hastings
- Ransom, William -
founder and first editor of the Hastings and St Leonards News; lifelong friend of Barbara Bodichon.
Saturday, 21 May 2016
Friday, 20 May 2016
Friends of Hastings Cemetery - Update
- The Cemetery Project has been completed
- The work so far forms a database of names in the older part of the cemetery, sections A -
G. This is available as a CD - We have produced two books available from Hastings History House related to some of the stories we have researched
- The next Cemetery Walk will be on 5th June, 2016. Meet at the Car Park
Wednesday, 27 April 2016
Friends of Hastings Cemetery
- Adams, Charles - local fisherman who died of pneumonia while on leave from H.M.S."Island Prince" WW1
- Adams, James & parents Edward & Alice -fishing family; James served in the RAF, WW1
- Jenkins, Peter & Family - local builder
- Thorburn, Charles - hastings resident, died WW1
- Whistler, Anna
- Willis Family
- Lansdell Family: landowners, solicitor, surveyor
- Turner, Thomas - landlord of the Havelock Hotel
Tuesday, 26 April 2016
Opening Wednesday 27th April 2016. Hastings Pier Charity is proud to present a new, unique pier for the 21st Century.
Presented by: Funtime Rides
Wednesday April 27th - Thursday July 28th
from 10:00am
Come and experience all the fun of the fair on Hastings Pier! Funtime Rides' Vintage Funfair will offer lots of fun and games for adults and children alike. The centrepiece to this event is the beautiful Traditional Carousel.
Saturday, 23 April 2016
Sea Shanty Evening with the RX Shantymen
Date(s) - 21/05/2016
6 PM
Hastings Fishermen's Museum
- See more at: http://www.ohps.org.uk/events/sea-shanty-evening-with-the-rx-shantymen/#sthash.HnFc1Nbl.dpuf
The Hastings Fishermen's Museum celebrates 60 years as a museum on 17th May and we would love for you to come and help us celebrate with an evening of shanties, beer and fish rolls!
Food will be available from 6pm and the singing will start at 7pm. Tickets are available from the museum for £8 which includes entry, one
drink (local beer, wine or squash) and a Tush & Pat Fisherman's Roll.
- See more at: http://www.ohps.org.uk/events/sea-shanty-evening-with-the-rx-shantymen/#sthash.HnFc1Nbl.dpuf
Sea Shanty Evening with the RX Shantymen
Date(s) - 21/05/2016
6 PM
Hastings Fishermen's Museum
- See more at: http://www.ohps.org.uk/events/sea-shanty-evening-with-the-rx-shantymen/#sthash.HnFc1Nbl.dpuf
The Hastings Fishermen's Museum celebrates 60 years as a museum on 17th May and we would love for you to come and help us celebrate with an evening of shanties, beer and fish rolls!
Food will be available from 6pm and the singing will start at 7pm. Tickets are available from the museum for £8 which includes entry, one
drink (local beer, wine or squash) and a Tush & Pat Fisherman's Roll.
- See more at: http://www.ohps.org.uk/events/sea-shanty-evening-with-the-rx-shantymen/#sthash.HnFc1Nbl.dpuf
Thursday, 21 April 2016
Public memorial for Robert Tressell
A St Leonards-based master stone carver and a seafront retailer have brought together their passion for Robert Tressell to launch a project to create a permanent to the author in the town.
The Tribute to Tressell project was conceived after an event in 2014 to mark the centenary of the first version of The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists being published.
With the block of deep bed Portland stone that will become the bust now delivered and marked up, the project is launching its crowdfunding campaign to complete the commission and then look to tour the piece to other places with a connection with Tressell, such as Liverpool and Dublin, where he was born in 1870,– before finding a permanent public home for it in St Leonards
More information about the project, links to their videos and to the funding campaign can be found at www.tribute2tressell.org.uk from where you can also follow it on Facebook and Twitter.
Wednesday, 20 April 2016
IMPORTANT - Rocklands Caravan Park
The Planning Inspector will be holding a public hearing relating to the unauthorised building at Rocklands Caravan Park this coming Thursday 21st April at 10am in the Sussex Hall, White Rock Theatre.
All are welcome to attend and the more who do so the more the Inspector will be able to see the level of public concern about this case.
The hearing may continue on Friday 22nd if the Inspector deems it necessary. Members of the public, including representatives of the Friends, may be asked to speak at the Inspector’s discretion.
Norman long boat on the beach
Plans to erect a six metre-tall sculpture of a to mark the 950th anniversary of the Battle of Hastings have been submitted to the council
Leigh Dyer is building the sculpture for the Root 1066 Festival later this year and planning permission is now being sought from Hastings Borough Council.
Mr Dyer hopes to place the boat on the shingle opposite Denmark Place.
All the comments are supportive of the ‘beautiful thing with great resonance’, as Val Hunnisett described it.
The project is being done in collaboration with British Artist Blacksmith Association but Leigh is also relying on crowdfunding to make it happen.
To donate and find out more, visit: www.youcaring.com/residents-of-and-visitors-to-hastings-england-54493.
Tuesday, 19 April 2016
JIG - Dancing on Hastings Pier, 12.30pm Saturday 30th April
Dancing on the newly opened Pier - join Hastings' Morris dancers and visiting sides between 12.30pm and 2pm
Friday, 15 April 2016
Lovely Hastings scenes from 130th Anniversary Collection of John Bray
Saturday, 9 April 2016
Old Town Hall–Next Meeting
Monday, 11th April, 2016
6.00 PM for 6.30
21 Courthouse Street
See the new OTH website at https://1066centre.wordpress.com/
Friday, 8 April 2016
Humbug & Gifts - Pelham Arcade
Saturday, 19 March 2016
John Hodges Memorial
Tuesday, Mar 22, 2016 16:00 – 17:00
An event to remember the late John Hodges. John was chair of the Foreshore Trust, ward councillor for Hastings Old Town, a member of the Hastings Borough Council Cabinet and an East Sussex county councillor for St Helens and Silverhill division until his sudden death on 11 February.
This will be an informal event with tributes and a chance to talk to people in John's life. His family will be in attendance. Doors will open at 15.30.
Stade Hall Rock-A-Nore Rd Hastings TN34 3FJ This event is accessible to people with disabilities.
Friday, 18 March 2016
STOP PRESS! Old Town Hall
If you are attending and hope to take an active part it would be helpful if you could document this before hand.
If you are unable to attend please email with your intentions before Monday evening to either ohpscontact@gmail.com or dick@hotra.org.uk
Sunday, 13 March 2016
Important Meeting - don't Forget!
The Old Town Hall - Meeting with Peter Chowney
Monday 14th March, 6.30
Hastings History House
21 Courthouse Street
Friday, 11 March 2016
Thursday, 10 March 2016
Sunday, 6 March 2016
Friday, 4 March 2016
Tuesday, 1 March 2016
New Hastings Area Archaeological Research Group Journal
- Barn Meadow, Solomons Cottage, Ewhurst – Geophysical and Excavation
- Evidence of the Town Wall Surviving below 58 High Street, Hastings Old Town
- Geophysical Surveys at Old Place, Icklesham
- Icklesham ‘Roman Road’ – A Reassessment
- Cripp’s Corner, Nodal Point
- The Walled
Kitchen Garden, Brightling Park
Sunday, 28 February 2016
Hastings - ‘Popular with visitors since 1066’
Hastings Week will have a community parade with Saxon and Norman giants on 15th Oct, and many other events.
From June 25 Hastings Museum has its The Story of Hastings in 66 Objects exhibition;
The History House (21 Courthouse St, open 11-4 Thurs-Sun) is running a powerpoint presentation of the Hastings Embroidery’s 81 scenes, all in colour
Hastings Local History Group is having several meetings at Hastings History House on 1066-related themes (open to the public, but please book a place).
Additionally, HLHG is publishing a booklet, 1066-2016: The Battle of Hastings’ 950th Anniversary containing ideas suitable for individuals and groups, large or small, to commemorate the events of 1066.
It has the historical background, along with information on Anglo-Saxon society, including food and clothes, to help people to be as authentic as they wish.
The booklet is 32 pages long, A5, and priced to sell at £1; it will soon be on sale at the History House, Hastings Museum, Bookbusters, and Horntye Park Sports Complex; also at the Hastings Half Marathon, Race Reception, on March 20, and on their website. We’re hoping other local charities will stock it, to help raise funds for their good causes.
Any local charity that is interested, please contact heather.grief@talktalk.net.
Friday, 26 February 2016
Tuesday, 16 February 2016
Tuesday, 9 February 2016
The Old Observer Building
The neighbours surrounding the Old Observer building are concerned about the public awareness of the proposal to built five new floors on top of it.
Flint Development Group unveiled revised plans to provide accommodation for 230 students, an art-house cinema and a shop/restaurant at Cambridge Road site in December.
But after planning notices were sent out on Friday (February 5), some residents are worried not enough people who will be affected by the proposal know about it.
“We’re not opposed to the idea of student accommodation itself, it’s just a gross over-development as it’s too high,” he said.
“Everyone thinks its going to be a community asset but the bulk of the development is the student housing and I don’t think enough people realise.
“So few people know about it when it will be a huge blot on our landscape.”
There have only been four public comments on the application, with three negative and all concerned about the height of the proposal.
The notice says the deadline for comments is in 21 days, so February 26.
To view the application visit: www.hastings.gov.uk/planning.
Read more: http://www.hastingsobserver.co.uk/news/local/concern-over-old-observer-building-proposal-awareness-1-7204040#ixzz3zgFYrZ4E