Available at http://us7.campaign-archive1.com/?u=8a4088db8993613ffc321ff30&id=86ea197dd5&e=531273b27b
Old Hastings Preservation Society was founded in 1952 to promote the permanent preservation of buildings of beauty/historic interest, especially in Hastings & St. Leonards and foster an appreciation of the history of Hastings. We encourage and record research which supports our objectives. Good architecture, design and town planning is encouraged. In 1956 we founded the Hastings Fishermen’s Museum open daily in Rock-a-Nore Road and more recently Hastings History House.
Friday, 28 November 2014
Friday, 14 November 2014
Friday, 7 November 2014
Tuesday, 4 November 2014
1966 – Triodome, Hastings Embroidery – 2016???
Maybe Hastings Insurance will insure it gratis? Or in return for use of some of the images?
Monday, 3 November 2014
Victoria Seymour launches her 10th modern social history book at the Hastings History House
Award-winning historian
Looking Back on Hastings was launched during the recent Hastings Week celebrations at the Hastings History House in the Old Town.
The book is priced £9.99 is available from the History House
Saturday, 1 November 2014
Latest from Friends of Hastings Cemetery
- Barthram, Edward, Ivy & Florence -Hastings born, served in Navy during WW1 and later with the Coastguard.
- Beagley, Richard & Mary - lived locally, members of the temperance movement.
- Kearne, Hubert Lindsey - lived locally; returned from abroad to fight in WW1, suffered severely and was found drowned.
- The Lutwidge Family - Lewis Carroll’s relations
- Pollard, James - local family; died 1925 of tubercular encephalitis, presumably contracted during war service.
Deaths in 1914:
- Beaney, Charles Arthur and Albert Edward, both in the Navy, lost within six weeks of each other in 1914
- Bumstead, Stephen J - local, serving with the 5th Royal Sussex, died aged 16. WW1- 1914
- Herbert Knollys Foster - local connections, KIA, WW1 1914, just a month before his 20th birthday.
- Kember, John William - lived locally; KIA, WW1 1914
- Shaw, Cuthbert Frank - born locally; WW1, KIA, 1914 aged 21
- Tompkins, Edgar James - Quartermaster Sergeant, regular soldier, served in South Africa and India. Wife’s grave - Edith Mary - KIA, WW1, 1914
- World War One Stories
- WW1 Cemeteries & Memorials
Cemetery Trail Leaflet