Friday, 2 August 2013

Current Exhibitions at the Hastings History House

Old Town Carnival Week

A superb exhibition of the history and nature of Hasting Country Park, including interesting information of local fossils and dinosaurs.

And a perpetual source of interest – Some Old Town Twittens

Cemetery Exhibition – some of the information from Friends of Hastings Cemetery research – for more see

Does anyone remember……

the skinny-dipping suffragette from Pelham Crescent.

Two members of the Muriel Matters Society, headquarters in Adelaide, have been here recently and would love some more memories, they are intrigued that her later life in Hastings seems to have disappeared from the collective memory.

She stood as a Labour MP for Hastings in 1924 (but was defeated) and came here to live in the later 1940’s, early 1950’s, living here until she died in 1969.

She is known variously as Muriel Matters, (Mrs) Muriel Porter, and Muriel Matters-Porter.

Any information at all, please email to and/or

Many Thanks